Transparancy International - Bulgaria

За Нас
Новини и събития
Стажантска програма

Корупция в социалната сфера

Countering Fraud in the NHS: Protecting Resources for Patients
Department of Health, UK
Department of Health, UK,

hardcopy:  заяви

Bangalore Hospitals and the Urban Poor - A Report Card
Suresh Balakrishnan and Anjana Iyer

hardcopy:  заяви

Corruption in Health Services
World Health Organization, Inter-American Development Bank, Transparency
World Health Organization, Inter-American Development Bank, Transparency,

hardcopy:  заяви

Countering Fraud in the NHS: The NHS Counter Fraud Charter
Department of Health, UK
Department of Health, UK,

hardcopy:  заяви

Countering Fraud in the NHS
Department of Health, UK
Department of Health, UK,

hardcopy:  заяви

Countering Fraud in the NHS: The Professional and Ethical Approach
Department of Health, UK
Department of Health, UK,

hardcopy:  заяви

Institutional Issues in Informal Health Payments in Poland: report on the qualitative part of the study
Shahriari, Belli, and Lewis

hardcopy:  заяви

 Transparency International
 Комисия за борба с корупцията към 40-то Народно Събрание
 Комисия за координация на работата по борбата с корупцията

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