Transparancy International - Bulgaria

За Нас
Новини и събития
Стажантска програма

Световни антикорупционни ресурси / Превенция на корупцията

Corruption Research Centre: Activities, Plans and Programs

Corruption Research Centre, Tbilisi

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 Справка по този материал

International Workshop on Report Cards - Bangalore

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Public Opinion on Corruption
TI + National Centre for the Study of Public Opinion
TI + National Centre for the Study of Public Opinion

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Corruption: The World Bank Public Opinion Surveys (Cambodia: General Household , Private Enterprises, Public Officials)
World Bank
World Bank: Public Opinion Series, Volume 1,1999,

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Confessions: a model of officials perspectives on accepting gifts from clients in post-communist Europe
William L.Miller, Ase B. Grodeland and Tatyana Y. Koshechkina
University of Glasgow,in English

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Global Corruption Report 2001: Data and Research

2001,in English

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A focus group of bribery and other ways of coping with officialdom in postcommunist Eastern Europe
William Miller, Ase Grodeland, Tatyana Koshechkina
University of Glasgow,in English

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Serbian Public Opinion on Corruption
Centre for Policy Studies
Centre for Policy Studies,2000,in English

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Социологическите изследвания в граждански инициативи срещу корупцията (резюме на обучителен семинар)
Антоний Гълъбов
Transparency International - Bulgaria,

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Общественото мнение за корупцията, Социологическо изследване
НЦИОМ и Transparency International
НЦИОМ и Transparency International,2000,

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Governance and Corruption - New Empirical Frontiers for Program Design
Daniel Kaufmann
Transparency International,1998,in English

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PREMnotes - New frontiers in diagnosing and combating corruption
World Bank
World Bank,1998,in English

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Research on Corruption, A policy oriented survey
Jens Andvig, Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Inge Amundsen, Tone Sissener, Tina Soreide
NORAD,2000,in English

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TI National Integrity Systems Surveys (NISS) Purposes, Conceptual Framework and Core Issues (July

1999,in English

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Questionnaire for IACC delegates

in English

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Инструкции за провеждане на фокус групи с държавни служители

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Etablir un systeme d appreciation des performances dans la fonction publique
Staffan Synnerstrom
Tribune de la Gestion Publique,1998,in French

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Survey on Corruption in Bangladesh
The Survey and Research System
Transparency International - Bangladesh,in English

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Victims or accomplices? Extortion and bribery in Eastern Europe
William Miller, Ase Grodeland, Tatyana Koshechkina
in English

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Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia

in English

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Evaluation Report on Bulgaria: First Evaluation Round, 9th Plenary Meeting (Strasbourg, 13-17 May 2002)
GRECO,2002,in English

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The Transparency International Bribe Payers Survey
Transparency International
Transparency International,1999,in English

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On the Take: Central and East European Attitudes Toward Corruption, October 1999
Dina Smeltz, Anna Sweeney
European Branch Office of Research, United States Department of State,1999,

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Democratisation, Economic Development, and Corruption in East-Central Europe: a 11-nation study
Claire Wallace, Christian Haerpfer
Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna,2000,

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The Ominous Landscape of Russian Corruption
Svetlana Glinkina

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Corruption and Bribery: How Serbian Public Opinion Sees Corruption
Srecko Mihailovic et al., Center for Policy Studies
Center for Policy Studies,2002,

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Corruption and Democratic Consolidation
Michael Johnston

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Corruption and Military Spending
Sanjeev Gupta, Luiz de Mello, Raju Sharan
International Monetary Fund,2000,

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Corruption and the Private Sector
Russ Webster
MSI, USAID,2002,

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Small Arms Survey 2003: Development Denied
Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva
Oxford University Press,2003,in English

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Вьборная Демократия: Есть ли Альтернатива у Армении?
Центр Демократии и Мира, Ассоция Женщин с Университетским Образованием
Издательство Асогик,2003,in Russian

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Global Economic Crime Survey 2003

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Impriving Accontability and Transparency in Europ How Can This Be Achieved Short Report

Wilton Park Conference,2001,in English

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 Transparency International
 Комисия за борба с корупцията към 40-то Народно Събрание
 Комисия за координация на работата по борбата с корупцията

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